Let’s talk sustainability

We’re glad you’re here.

The fact that you have made it to this contact page, tells us you’re done with sitting and waiting. It says that it’s time for action. We couldn’t agree more. If you are a sustainability expert, architect or designer, or if you’re involved with the sustainability challenges of your organization in any other way, we invite you to take this next step with us.

We are B.I.G. Yarns.

www.SustainableYarns.com is the brainchild of B.I.G. Yarns. As part of the Beaulieu International Group, we are a leading manufacturer of polyamide (PA) and polypropylene (PP) yarns for contract, automotive and residential applications.

As part of the Group, we have made it our mission to build a sustainable future by reducing our environmental footprint to zero, taking care of our people and those around us, and doing business in a transparent, ethical way. But we can’t do this alone. So, let’s get in touch and start working on a sustainable future together.

Get in touch

Let’s get the conversation started. Tell us which environmental challenge you are facing, and maybe this can be the start of a beautiful sustainability story.